Spider Plant | Chlorophytum comosum | Tropical Tuesday | Plants in Downtown Denison, Tx


Spider Plant | Chlorophytum comosum | Tropical Tuesday

The Spider Plant, also known as airplane plant, is a new one for me! I chose it for the shop because one, I think its super cool looking, and two because it’s another easy to care for plant! This is one that you can set on a shelf or hang. One of my favorite things about this plant is that it grows little babies that hang down.

Light: This plant likes bright, indirect sunlight! Keep it near a sunny window but don’t allow direct sun exposure.

Water: Let this plant dry out before watering again, probably about once a week! Make sure to water the soil thoroughly but let all the water drain out. Allow all the water to drain out completely. Brown tips may indicate under watering or too low humidity.

Temperatures: These plants can grow indoors and prefer 60-75 degrees.

Fertilizer: Feed your tree every month in the spring and summer. Do not fertilize in the winter.

Repotting: These plants grow very quickly and can be repot every year.

Spiderettes: In the Spring, this plant may flower. These flowers turn into the baby spiders that hang down. These can be cut when they are about 2 inches and potted in soil!

Toxicity: This plant is not toxic to humans or pets.

That’s about it! This spider plant is an easy and beautiful house plant. We are excited to be carrying them in the shop now and feel free to DM or Email me with any questions! Now check out this video below with Sebastian and I talking about spider plants!

Gingersnap Studios