Snake Plant | Sansevieria | Tropical Tuesday


Snake Plant | Sansevieria | Tropical Tuesday

HAPPY TROPICAL TUESDAY! Today we are talking about the ever popular Snake Plant. This plant is so popular because it's very hardy. It doesn't require a lot of light, water, or love! Read below for care tips!

Light: This plant likes bright, indirect sunlight but can tolerate very low lighting conditions! Ideally you would keep it near a sunny window but don’t allow direct sun exposure. However, if you do not have these lighting conditions, your plant with still be perfectly happy.

Water: Let this plant dry out before watering again, probably about once every two weeks! Make sure to water the soil thoroughly but let all the water drain out. Allow all the water to drain out completely. Cut back to once a month in the winter.

Temperatures: These plants can grow indoors and prefer 60-75 degrees.

Fertilizer: Feed your plant every month in the spring and summer with cactus fertilizer. Do not fertilize in the winter.

Repotting: These plants grow should be repotted every 1-2 years depending on the type of lighting its in. Brighter lighting conditions will most likely make your plant grow faster.

Toxicity: This plant is mildly toxic to humans and pets.

Gingersnap Studios